[AL0h@] Bar

◊ I'm here to say sorry for those who don't know to read chinese word... I will use chinese word to write my post sometimes because its more easier for me to say what i want to say...

◊ Please forgive me ,ok? I will try my best to use English word.... For some chinese word post, please use your translator to translate to English...^^

◊ Oh ya~ I wanted to improve my English grammar... So if you find out any grammar mistake in my blog, please tell me^^


Sunday, September 28, 2008

[ World Of Cells ]

Today very tired luuu~
some more the whether hot hot~
My sleeping cells is starting to -attack- my study cells!
[ 杀啊!!!死啊!!!]
at the end still my study cells stronger and I have to continue my studies...
after a few minutes of reading...
My stomach cells had lost their patience and -they- use their shotgun keep shooting at my body parts...
[ 很痛呢! ! ! 救命啊!!! ]
My movement cells quickly start -working-
Walking out of my room and looking for some [weapon] that can stop the war inside my stomach!
-Food-!!! what else other than food!!!
erm... let me see~
''nope... not that one... ah! this one''
''This should stop -them- for a while''
some biscuits with a little mint flavor....
let -them- feel some spicy !!!
hehe!!! haha~ hoho... =D
Continued my studies with Sejarah first...
erm... nope~
changed to Geografi... =.=!
Haiz... Duwan la....
Take out my chinese book... o.O!
Few seconds later... Heard something~
yeah~ heard some TV sound outside the living room...
[ 欢迎收看 -我猜我猜我猜猜猜- ]
From nowhere... my Enjoy Cells came out...
They controlled my movement and bring me to the living room to watch TV... =(
All the study cells was dead in only one second!!!
Walau-ea~ so geng looo my Enjoy cells...
Listened only got favourite show de sound quickly use -their- maximum power to attack the other cells liao=.+!

Laughing cells signed a contract with Enjoy cells....

- Perjanjian Ketawa Dan Bergembira 2008 -
~ Laughing cells must cooperate with Enjoy cells to produce [ 神经线笑之功能 ]
~ Laughing cells will not attack Enjoy cells during the process
~ Enjoy cells must tell everything that is funny to laughing cells
~ Who ever that breaks the rules will be fined 200k pound or cannot get their food for 100 years...

Oh My god!!!
Luckily my Thinking cells told me all that...
Or i will never know about the -perjanjian-
Why must have -perjanjian- de
Because when we having -perjanjian- means we doesn't trust each other...
And when we doesn't trust each other means we must have -perjanjian- to keep their prommise...
so sad lo... My sad cells starting to -pressure- the water tank beside my cornea...
[ _眼泪挤出来了啦_ ][ 快!!! 把救生圈拿来!!! 我不会游泳!!! ]
LOL!!! That was really lame... =)
Suddenly... my Ear cells tell me that they heard some sound like ...
- Left Right- Left Right Left- Left Right.... -
An army of my smelly cells smell something nice...
Hmm...... My eye cell faster have a -look around- my house...
Delicious and tasty food serving on the dining table...
AH!!!! My mouth had out of controlled!!!
[ 兄弟们!!! 把那些食物给抢来!!!我们这个月就靠这些了!!!]
Yummy~ A moment later...
my stomach cells keep shouting at me...
- go toilet!!! Can't wait any longer !!! -
'' Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! ''
[ 啊~ 舒服多了~ ]

And that's all for now... =)
Enjoy reading my blog???
I think this is the best of all I had wrote...

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